
Friendly Cooperation with Central Asian States – A Priority Direction of Uzbekistan’s Foreign Policy


By Eldor Tulyakov and Farrukh Hhakimov

The reforms, openness, transparency, renewal, and changes observed in the domestic policy of Uzbekistan in recent years are also evident in the country’s foreign policy. Uzbekistan, as an equal actor in international relations, pursues an active foreign policy at the regional and global levels by developing mutually beneficial

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‘What happened next?’ CIA roasted after bragging about arming Afghan Mujahideen, aka the Taliban


The fact that the CIA armed the same Afghan militants who now kill US troops is not a conspiracy theory, and the agency was roasted after it took to Twitter to boast about its covert 1980s arms shipments to jihadists.

In a Twitter post on Tuesday, the CIA proudly displayed a shoulder-fired FIM-92 Stinger missile launcher. The launcher, the post read, “supplied by the Un

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What Role Can Turkey Play in the Afghanistan Peace Process?


By Mehmet Fatih Ceylan and Zalmai Nishat

Since Turkey joined NATO in 1952, its relationship with the United States has been of a strategic nature. The 9/11 terror attacks against the United States by Al-Qaida reinforced their cooperation in the fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, with Afghanistan another theatre where the two have been comrade-in-arms. The

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Afghanistan is America's longest war – it's time for the delusion about it to end


By H. R. McMaster

The war in Afghanistan has not been a 20-year-long war, it has been a one-year war fought 20 times over

Since the end of the Cold War and the lopsided military victory in the Gulf War in the early 1990s, American foreign policy and national security strategy have been beset by what we might call strategic narcissism, the tende

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‘Vaccine apartheid’: how white privilege is woven into the fabric of globalisation


By Chandran Nair

  • The roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines, with poor countries far behind, has exposed the moral bankruptcy and structural privilege of Western nations
  • What can

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