
Public Councils as the Effective Means of Decentralization of Power in Democratic States


By Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov

**The contents of this piece were presented at the Herat Security Dialogue – VI (13-14 October 2017).**

The participation of ordinary citizens

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Afghanistan’s Electoral System: Political Participation or Democratic Revolution?


By Mohammad Irfani

The article is a critical review of the book entitled “Criticism of Political Participation;

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A Century After the Russian Revolution, How did Bukhara Immigrants Make Afghanistan`s Trade Global?


By Prof. Magnus Marsden

Several tombs of Afghanistan’s historic figures have been restored in recent years. In the Bagh-e Babur park – elegantly restored by the Aga Khan Foundation – lies the grave of Babur Shah, the Central Asian conqueror who captured Kabul in 1504 AD and went on to lay the groundwork for establishing the Mughal Empire.   The burial place of another Ce

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The Nation State and Afghanistan


By Paolo Cotta Ramusino

**The content of this piece was presented at the Herat Security Dialogue – VI (13-14 October 2017).**

The cohesion and stability of nation-states are put under stress by linguistic, ethnic, and religious divisions within the States. Afghanistan not only has all of these divisions, but it also borders

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Afghan-led RECCA & Heart of Asia Processes Can Bolster Regional Stability and Prosperity


 By M. Ashraf Haidari

Over the past 16 years, Afghanistan has been a victim of state-sponsorship of terrorism. As a pr

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