Afghanistan India Security Dialogue

Fifth Round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” (AISD- IV)

5th Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue (AISD-IV)
2 September 2020 

The fifth round of the “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” was co-organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and the United Service Institute of India (USI) on September 2, 2020. This round of dialogue was held virtually and the agenda of discussions revolved around “Emerging Geo-Political Trends in Afghanistan: Impact on I

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Fourth Round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” (AISD- IV)

4th Afghanistan- India Security Dialogue (AISD-IV)
25 November 2018-Kabul, Afghanistan

The fourth round of the “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” was co-organized by Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and United Service Institute of India (USI) on November 25, 2018, in Kabul, Afghanistan. This round of the dialogue was held under the theme of "Experience of Afghanistan and India in the field of counterterrorism."<

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Third Round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” (AISD- III)

3rd Afghanistan- India Security Dialogue (AISD-III)
8 Sebtember 2017-Delhi, India

The third round of the “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” was co-organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and United Service Institute of India (USI) on September 8, 2017 in Delhi, India. This dialogue was attended by a select number of Afghan officials and academics. From the Indian side, Indian officials and United Service Institute of India (USI) members attended

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Second Round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” (AISD- II)

2nd Afghanistan- India Security Dialogue (AISD-II)
16 Octobar 2016-Herat, Afghanistan

The second round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” co-organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and United Service Institute of India (USI)  on October 16, 2016 in Herat, Afghanistan.

This dialogue was attended by a select number of Afghan officials, Member of Parliament, academia, civil society and media activists. From the Indian side, USI members (United

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First Round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” (AISD- I)

1st Afghanistan- India Security Dialogue (AISD-I)
14 March 2016-New Delhi, India

The first round of Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue, co-organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and United Service Institute of India (USI) was held in New Delhi, India.

Former National Security Advisor of Afghanistan, Dr Rangin Dadfar Spanta, and ex-ambassador of India to Nepal, Jayant Prasad, inaugurated the two-day dialogue on March 14.

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