
UK’s colonial assumptions have led to blunders in its Afghanistan role


By Dr. Davood Moradian

Despite investing significant amounts of financial, military and political resources, it has failed to contribute to Afghanistan’s stability and security.

Amidst the ongoing developments concerning Afghanistan, an exchange of diplomatic pleasantries between the

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Pakistan’s proxy war in Afghanistan can be stopped with concerted international action


By Chris Alexander

U.S. President Joe Biden said he was ending the “forever war in Afghanistan” when he announced U.S. forces would leave the country this summer. Almost immediately, the Taliban went on a vicious spree: taking districts, banning women from work, attacking girls’ schools and reportedly forcing unmarried women to wed Taliban fighters.

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On the brink of disaster: how decades of progress in Afghanistan could be wiped out in short order


By Professor William Maley 

Afghanistan is teetering on the brink of an almost unimaginable disaster. The withdrawal of US and allied forces, scheduled by President Joe Biden to be completed by September 11, threatens to precipitate the unravelling of the most pro-Western government in Southwest Asia.

It also endangers the entire framework of the Afghan st

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To be or not to be in Afghanistan is not an easy question for India


By Dr. Davood Moradian

Abandoning Afghanistan is also a policy option for Delhi, similar to the Tibet situation of 1962.


Afghanistan’s decades-old conflict has entered a new phase following the US’ decision to withdraw all its troops from the

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Where Does Afghanistan Fit into NATO’s Grand Strategy?


By Ben Acheson

NATO is leaving Afghanistan – a fact well understood by Afghans. Such clarity in messaging should even be considered a success, given how often NATO and Western allies struggled with communicating their role and intentions to the Afghan public. More clear messaging is now needed as withdrawal nears completion, especially to convey how NATO’s strategic th

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