
Iran deal: A possible game-changer for Afghanistan


By Dr. Davood Moradian

The nuclear agreement could be a vital booster for the restoration of Afghan heritage.

Iran's nuclear agreement has created a political and geostrategic earthquake in the Middle East and beyond, including accelerating the reform movement within Iran and empowering democratic constituencies in the Islamic world.

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The 2019 Afghan Presidential Election: Serious Questions Concerning the Preliminary Results and Suggested Changes to the Afghan Electoral System


By Professor Thomas H. Johnson

I write this article because I am a strong believer in free, fair and transparent elections, I have had students and friends die in Afghanistan partly fighting for such elections.

No one ever expected after the Bonn Meetings of 2001, which established the political roadmap for Afghanistan’s

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US-led Talks with the Taliban: A Bonn Do-Over?


By Naser Sidiqee

Ever since talks between the United States and the Taliban started in Doha, the capital of Qatar, no party to the conflict has benefitted more from the improvident process than the Taliban. By capitalizing on America’s withdrawal-oriented talks, th

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Why violent extremist groups use social media; Islamic State case study


By Hussain Ehsani

After the attack of Al-Baghdadi most of the jihadi fighters in Telegram and Whatsapp asked each other to pray for health of the “Caliph”. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s message was widely spread among jihadi fighters through Whatsapp and Telegram as “new Guidelines” from the “caliph”. (Atwan 2015, 233)

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Is Iran-Taliban cold peace within reach?


By Mohsen Shariatinia

A delegation of senior Taliban officials arrived in Tehran on Nov. 27 for talks with Iranian authorities, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Headed by the group's bureau chief, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the team compr

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