
High Tea with the EU Special Representative Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin


The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) was pleased to host EU Special Representative, Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin in Kabul as part of the “High Tea with the Ambassador” lecture series. Government officials, political parties, scholars, members of parliament, academia as well as civil society activists attended the event.

AISS Director in his welcoming remarks appreciated Mr. Franz Michael Skjold Mellbin for offe

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Reception held in honor of AISS staff


On Thursday August 25, 2016, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held a farewell reception in honor of outgoing external relations officer Mr. Majid Ismailzada and the new incoming external relations officer Mr. Soroush Kazemi. AISS director, Dr. Davood Moradian, offered his welcoming remarks to audiences and he also expressed his best wishes to Mr. Majid Ismahilzada as well as further success for Mr. Soroush Kazemi in his new ca

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AISS releases a research paper on “Afghanistan’s constitution and the society in transition”


On August 23, 2016, Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies released one of its latest reseach report titled: “Afghanistan’s constitution and the society in transition”. This study’s major objective was to assess the public level of awareness on the constitution’s content and major provisions and getting the reforming and adjusting views and recommendations for possible amendment of the constitution. Ten provinces including Badakhshan

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Prominent US Scholar gives a lecture at AISS


On Tuesday August 16, 2016, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an interaction in honour of Professor Thomas Barfied, the prominent US scholar (Boston University) and the president of the American Institute for Afghanistan Studies. Professor delivered a speech on the story of state formation in Afghanistan and the challenge of centre-regions/provinces balance of power. The event was attended by a select number of guests, inc

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Afghanistan political crisis: Entitlement vs democracy


Only legitimate, effective and sustainable politics can untangle the country from its multitude of challenges.

By Dr. Davood Moradian

August 14, 2016

If war is the continuation of politics by other means, then the four-decade-old Afghan war has become one of the world’s most entrenched political puzzles, involving many actors and dimensions.

The Read more