
French Ambassador Visits AISS


On September 12, 2017, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) hosted H.E. François Richier, French ambassador in Kabul. During the reception, Mr. François Richier had a conversation with the Director General of AISS, focusing on political, security, economic and regional developments, as well as the prospect of strengthening bilateral relations between Afghanistan and France.

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Chinese Official Visits AISS


On September 13, 2017, Deputy Head of mission of Chinese embassy to Afghanistan, Mr. Zhang Zhixin paid a visit to the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and held a meeting with Director General of AISS. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on ongoing political, security, economic and regional developments and the prospects of further strengthening Afghanistan and China bilateral relations

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Korean Ambassador Visits AISS


On September 12, 2017, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, H.E. Mr. Chin Ki-Hoon visited the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS). During the visit, the Korean Ambassador held a meeting with the Director General of AISS. The two sides exchanged views on ongoing political, security, economic and regional developments and the prospects of further strengthening Afghanistan and Korea bilateral relations.

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AISS and USI jointly organizes third round of “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue”


The third round of the “Afghanistan-India Security Dialogue” was co-organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and United Service Institute of India (USI) on September 8, 2017 in Delhi, India. This dialogue was attended by a select number of Afghan officials and academics. From the Indian side, Indian officials and United Service Institute of India (USI) members attended the dialogue. The dialogue consisted of two timel

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Round-Table Conference on “Relations between Afghanistan and Regional States


On Tuesday, August 29, 2017, three researchers from the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) attended a round-table conference on “Relations between Afghanistan and Regional States” at the Resolute Support Headquarters. The round-table was organized by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Kabul, Afghanistan. In addition to the main discussion of Afghanistan's relations with the countries of the region, the meeti

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