Afghanistan as Narco-State: End The International Drug War
By Doug Bandow
November 3, 2014
The U.S. government has failed to stop the drug trade at home. Washington also has not created a competent, effective, and honest central government in Afghanistan. How effective will Kabul be in limiting opium production when American troops go home?
Not much.
A new report from the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction reports that opium product

The Afghan National Army: Sustainability Challenges beyond Financial Aspects
Antonio Giustozzi, Peter Quentin
May 2014
The ANA is commonly viewed as one of post-2001 Afghanistan’s strongest institutions, if not the strongest. However, with the imminent withdrawal of international forces, the ANA’s ability to stand on its own and successfully confront its enemies faces its first major test. This study shows that crucial weaknesses and flaws continue to undermi
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Malaiz Daud
February 2014
Afghanistan’s upheavals have been a result of many factors. Abject poverty, being landlocked, a hostile region, clash of modernists and traditionalists, weak states, interventions by superpowers, presence of foreign non-state actors and an illicit narco-economy are but a few to mention. The country continues to reel from the effects of colonial constructs of
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Madrassa Education in Pakistan
Dr. Syed Manzar Abbas Zaidi
4 March 2013
The importance of education in a society cannot be disowned. A well-established education system is an important constituent of a civilized nation and society. Its importance is well evident in developed countries as it plays a major role in personal and social development. As an alternate track to Western style of education, religious semin
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The Prospect of Peace Talks With The Taliban
Tuesday 09 July 2013
By Hussain Hassrat
Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS)
Every warring army needs to know its enemy; the same is true for running a successful negotiation process, which in turn necessitates a deep knowledge of the conflict parties, their modus operandi, and their aim and intentions (Giustozzi, 2010). Having an accurate picture of the Taliban helps th
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