Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan
The principle goal of the South Asia Strategy is to conclude the war in Afghanistan on terms favorable to Afghanistan and the United States. Over the past 16 months, the United States and its partners have used military force to drive the Taliban towards a durable and inclusive political settlement. There have been some notable developments – the Eid al-Fitr ceasefire and the support for peace from the broader
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Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstruction |July 30, 2018|
SIGAR issues its fortieth Quarterly Report on July 30, 2018. Public Law 110-181 directs SIGAR to submit a quarterly report to Congress. This congressionally mandated report summarizes SIGAR's audits and investigative activities. The report also provides an overview of reconstruction activities in Afghanistan and includes a detailed statement of all obligations, expenditures, and revenues associated with reconstruction.
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Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstruction |April 30, 2018|
SIGAR issues its thirty-ninth Quarterly Report on April 30, 2018. Public Law 110-181 directs SIGAR to submit a quarterly report to Congress. This congressionally mandated report summarizes SIGAR's audits and investigative activities. The report also provides an overview of reconstruction activities in Afghanistan and includes a detailed statement of all obligations, expenditures, and revenues associated with reconstruction.
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Balancing the Use of Water Resources in the Amu Darya Basin
ADBN Policy Brief No. 2.
Joelle Rizk and Berdakh Utemuratov
ADBN Contributors: Dr. I. Abdullaev, Dr. M. Aminova, Prof. V. Dukhovny, Dr. N. Eqrar, M. Krasznai, Dr. S. Rakhmatullaev, Dr. O. Shipin, H. Thakkar, and Dr. D. Ziganshina.
Central Asia and Afghanistan are abundant in natural resources, including land, water and energy. Basin countries depend on the Amu Darya Basin for different economic and livelihoods needs.
Read moreIran and its Relationship to Afghanistan After the Nuclear Deal
How would the conclusion of the nuclear deal and the lifting of the sanctions on Iran be expected to alter relations with Afghanistan? The opening of Iran can be turned into the victory for soft power and a model for diplomacy, reform and moderation. But to gain a rightful place as a benevolent and strong neighbor whose dividends of peace could spread over the region, Iran needs to avoid specific pitfalls, this policy brief warns.
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