The Afghan National Army After ISAF
As casualties mounted to dramatic levels in 2015, even according to official figures that are most likely underestimated, the Afghan National Army (ANA) has for the first time begun experiencing serious problems in recruitment. The army also experienced a resurgence of ghost soldiering (soldiers who are listed as being on active duty, but who do not serve)—a problem which had been largely contained by 2010. The units most exposed in the figh
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Afghanistan 2016 Turbulent Transitions
This Report is the product of the Delhi Policy Group’s Seventh Regional Conference on Peace and Stabilization in Afghanistan, along with a series of bilateral and trilateral discussions, planning visits and interviews conducted over the course of 2015-6. Focused on providing a Track II complement to the official Heart of AsiaIstanbul Process, the regional conference series comprises participants from eleven to thirteen Heart of Asia countri
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Dec 11, 2015 – Jessica Lewis
This map partially depicts areas of Taliban control and support and ISIS presence across Afghanistan as of December 10, 2015 as well as the status of district centers that have been attacked by Taliban militants in 2015. Some support zones depicted on the map exceed the bounds of the districts explicitly researched as part of this project. T
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The New Silk Roads: China, the U.S., and the Future of Central Asia
President Xi Jinping first presented China’s vision for a “Silk Road Economic Belt” during a 2013 speech in Kazakhstan. The idea was to “forge closer economic ties, deepen cooperation, and expand development in the Euro-Asia region”. In early 2015, the contours of Beijing’s strategy began to emerge as China’s leadership laid out plans for this “Silk Road Economic Belt” through Central Asia, and a “21st Century Maritime Silk
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Afghanistan Election Observation Mission 2014 – Report
By Democracy International
January, 2015
A new Democracy International report details findings from its international election observation mission to the 2014 Afghanistan presidential and provincial council elections. Given the prospect of a democratic and peaceful transfer of power, Afghans and the international community alike looked upon these elections as a critical opportunity to consolidate the gains made toward democ
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