Dependency and Development: Role of Foreign Aid in Afghanistan's Socio-Economic Development
November 2020
This study investigates the role of foreign aid in the socio-economic development of Afghanistan via a mix method. The quantitative analysis will highlight some of the indicators of economic and social development as depend...
Report available in Farsi
Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand
April 2020
"General Assembly to Fight Coronavirus Crisis in Herat" which is recently established by Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) with more than 30 members held an online launching ceremony of the paper "Impact of Non-Pha...
Report available in Farsi
Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors of Youth in Afghanistan
June 2018
The AISS released its latest research paper, entitled “Transition to Adulthood: Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors of Youth in Afghanistan” The purpose of this paper sheds lights on thesexual transition and its types, Se...
Report available in English Report available in Farsi