Policy Papers

Education and Politics: The Roots of Religious Radicalism in Afghanistan’s School Curricula

July 2020

"Education and Politics: The Roots of Religious Radicalism: In Afghanistan’s School" is a  research paper by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies. This research paper aims to deconstruct and analyze the ways that religious radicalism effects the Farsi-Dari curriculum in schools across Afghanistan by devising research methods and conducting field research on how education relates to politics in Afghanistan.

Report available in English

Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan, Phoney Caliphate or Bona Fide Province?

March 2020

AISS launched its recent research paper titled “Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan: Phony Caliphate or Bona Fide Province?”. The research, therefore, specifically sets out to determine the extent to which Islamic State Wila...

Report available in English Report available in Farsi

Religious Radicalism in the Higher Education of Afghanistan; Analysis of the political System of Islam Course and its Impact of the Students

April 2019

Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), launched its recent research paper titled “Religious Radicalism in the Higher Education of Afghanistan; Analysis of the political System of Islam Course and its Impact of the...

Report available in Farsi

Fatemiyoun Division: Afghan Fighters in the Syrian Civil War

October 2018

The paper 'Fatemiyoun Division: Afghan Fighters in the Syrian Civil War' is written by Tobias Schneider, Research Fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) land it has been translated into Farsi by Afghan ...

Report available in English Report available in Farsi

Trends of Radicalization among the Ranks of the Afghan National Police

November 2015

AISS released the fourth series of research papers dedicated to examiningthe trends in radicalization across the various sectors throughout Afghanistan. This research paper studies trends of Radicalization among ...

Report available in English Report available in Farsi

Social Media and Articulation of Radical Narratives in Afghanistan

November 2015

AISS released the third of a series of research papers dedicated to examining the trends in radicalization across the various sectors throughoutAfghanistan. This research paper explores the role of social media as...

Report available in English Report available in Farsi

Trends in Student Radicalization across University Campuses in Afghanistan

October 2015

AISS released the first of a series of papers dedicated to examining thetrends in radicalization across the various sectors throughout Afghanistan. This paper is a comprehensive examination of the trends in student ra...

Report available in English

Trends in Radicalization across Unregistered Madrassas in Afghanistan

September 2015

AISS released the second of a series of papers dedicated to examining the trends in radicalization across the various sectors throughout Afghanistan. This paper is a comprehensive examination of the trends in radicalization...

Report available in English Report available in Farsi