“High Tea with Ambassador Lecture Series Pt.VIII: Chinese Ambassador H.E. Deng Xijun”

Posted on: 23-04-2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) was pleased to host H.E. Deng Xijun, Chinese Ambassador in Kabul, as part of the “High Tea with the Ambassador” lecture series.

Government officials, Members of parliament, academia as well as civil society attended the event.

In his speech, Mr. Xijun addressed Chinese involvement and continued interest in Afghanistan and the surrounding region. He noted that the China favored a stable Afghanistan and would provide support to reach that goal. Bilateral interests, regional cooperation, China’s involvement in Afghanistan, and China’s more cooperation with Afghan government in future were among the main topics discussed in the meeting. Following his address, Mr. Xijun answered questions from the guests.