Launch of AISS 1398 (2019-20) Calendar

Posted on: 20-03-2019

Today, 20th of March 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) launched its 1398 (2019-20) calendar, special for animals and biodiversity. In the event, the speakers spoke about animal’s rights, biodiversity and challenges to protection, rights and shelter of animals in Afghanistan. Dr. Mujtaba Rezaei, senior Veterinarian Doctor at ‘Nowzad’ and Dr. Abdul Jalil Mohammadzai, Director of ‘Mayhew’ organization were the speakers of the program.
In the beginning of the program, Dr. Mojtaba Rezaei spoke about the living conditions of animals in Afghanistan and challenges of healthcare and shelter for them. He also spoke about Nowzad’s healthcare and shelter services in Kabul as well as their campaign against abuse of animals.
Dr. Mohammadzai spoke about cultural and social behavior towards animals and current laws with regards to animals in Afghanistan. Dr. Mohammadzai referred to the lack of legislation on the animal’s rights and their protection in Afghanistan. At the end, he also spoke about Mayhew organization’s efforts in training and capacity building for organizations protecting animals.