Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace-2019

Rached Al Ghannouchi's Acceptance Statement

Held on: 13 November 2019


I am very pleased to have been recognized to receive the Ibn-e-Sina International Award for my humble efforts to promote intercultural dialogue and call for peace, understanding, freedom, democracy and dissemination of values such as moderation and peaceful coexistence in the Muslim world.   

We live in a world where conflict and unrest have forced people to live with destructive wars.

Islam believes in differences and diversity as a base for peaceful competition, and not for elimination of others; because diversity leads to a better life for all of mankind.

Islam has established a set of mechanisms and a harmonic system of ethical values to deal with diversity among people in a way to enforce values such as justice and rights; and realize security and peace in the world, while keeping peoples’ identity intact.

The world today, more than ever, needs Islamic values; for they are human values and not [limited as] national or ethnic values. Islamic teachings and Muslim scholars, now more than ever, are responsible for leading towards peace and promotion of coexistence and recognition of each other. Islamic scholars and pioneers of Islamic movements should do their best to mend Islamic thought and free them of dogmas.

For the last fifty years, we have tried to emphasize freedom as a core measure of readings and understandings of religious texts and realities; while nurturing mankind on an individual level, and at the societal level. Freedom is the core value of Islamic teachings; the more this value affects life, the more other values like coexistence, peace, justice and security will be promoted.

We are optimistic that the world will come closer to Islamic values everyday; this fact makes us responsible to put more effort towards development, social welfare and human decency.

God bless you and your efforts towards human wellbeing. Once again, I express my gratitude for giving me this award.



Rached Ghannouchi

Head of the Ennahdha Party, Tunisia