Online Discussion on the Challenges and Opportunities for Afghanistan's Transboundary Water Management with Neighboring Countries

Posted on: 01-02-2022

Following the clashes in the Afghanistan-Iran border between the Taliban and the Iranian Islamic Republic border security forces water resources, on February 1, 2022, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies held a Twitter Spaces discussion on the "Challenges and Opportunities for Afghanistan's Transboundary Water Management with Neighboring Countries”. Nik Ahang Kowsar, Journalist, Najib Aqa Fahim, Researcher and University Lecturer, Marzieh Hosseini, a hydropolitical researcher, and Sayed Ali Hosseini, Hydropoltics analyst, discussed the legal status of Afghanistan's waters with neighboring countries. The program ended with a Q&A session with the audience who also shared their views for political solutions between the two countries.