Roundtable Discussion on Review on Doha Peace Talks: Questions, Opportunities and Challenges

Posted on: 06-01-2021

On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held a roundtable discussion on "Review on Doha Peace Talks: Questions, Opportunities and Challenges" in Mazar City. Mohsen Danesh, Advisor to the High Council for National Reconciliation; Abdul Hamid Ansari, Head of the Department of Specialized Peace Studies and University Lecturer, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Homa Hemta, journalist.

Mohsen Danesh first spoke about the important role played by the regional countries in bringing peace to Afghanistan. He said that It is believed that no country wants peace in Afghanistan without seeking and pursuing its own interests. In order to reach peace, he called on both sides of the negotiations and offered a middle ground for "forming a transitional government" by both sides.

Abdul Hamid Ansari spoke about the attitude of the people of the north towards the peace negotiation process and the impact of this process on northern Afghanistan. He said the north of the country has always welcomed peace. He also added that the people of the north want peace or a lasting peace with justice that respects human rights, the rights of war victims, and the establishment of a ceasefire. He also addressed the factors and obstacles to peace in the north and expressed the concerns of the people about the peace process.

Abdul Hamid Safwat said in his speech that one of the problems that caused the Taliban and their display of power was dealing with influential politicians on the nature and structure of the political system. According to Safwat, peace cannot be achieved by holding roundtables and negotiations, but by obeying the constitution, ending internal strife, ending widespread corruption, and appointing a competent political class.