Speech on The NATO’s Role in Supporting the Afghan Peace Process

Posted on: 21-11-2019

On Thursday, November 21 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) hosted Ambassador Sir Nicholas Kay, NATO Senior Civilian Representative to Afghanistan, for a presentation on ‘the NATO’s role in supporting the afghan peace process’, in which government officials, experts, university academics, foreign diplomats members of Civil Society, and media participated. The program was moderated by Tamim Asey, Former Deputy Minister of Defense.
Amb. Nicholas Kay first spoke about the NATO as the world’s biggest and most successful military alliance. He said that the NATO is a political alliance and an alliance of values
Amb. Kay also discussed NATO’s mission in Afghanistan and its role in the Afghan peace process. He said, “The fundamental objective of NATO is to establish a lasting peace and end the conflict in Afghanistan”. He added that 38 countries are supporting Afghan National Security Forces through the Resolute Support’s train, advice and assist mission. Noting that the NATO supports the Afghan Security Forces so that the Taliban do not win in the battlefield, Amb. Kay said that the NATO supports the peace efforts led by U.S. Special Representative for Afghan Peace, Zalmay Khalilzad.
Amb. Kay engaged with the Audience in Q&A by asking three questions from the audience; 1) Are we right that there is no military solution to the Afghan Conflict? 2) Is it necessary to have a US-Taliban agreement before an intra-Afghan agreement? 3) Should the NATO leave Afghanistan or stay?
The program ended with an interactive Q&A engagement between the speaker and the audience of the program.