AISS Celebrated Dr. Sima Samar’s Service for Human Rights in Afghanistan

Posted on: 01-08-2019

On Thursday, August 1, 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies celebrated the service and work of Dr. Sima Samar, Former Chairperson of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. The event featured speeches from H.E. Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Chairman of Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies, H.E. Ambassador Pierre Mayaudon, Head of European Union Delegation to Afghanistan, Dr. Suraya Subhrang, Former Commissioner of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, Dr. Simar Samar, screening of documentary about the struggle, service and achievements of Dr. Sima Samar for Afghan women and human rights in Afghanistan, and Sufi music performance by Leqa Music Group. The event was participated by Afghan government officials, foreign diplomats, members of academia, media, civil society and members of international organizations. The event was moderated by Metra Mehran, research fellow at the National Center for Dialogue and Progress (NCDP).
The event was inaugurated by a Sufi music performance and welcoming remarks by AISS director, Dr. Davood Moradian. He Moradian described Dr. Sima Samar as a symbol of bravery in Afghanistan.
Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta said that Dr. Sima Samar institutionalized Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. Noting different occasions both had engaged in the past, he recognized Dr. Samar’s struggle and thanked her for her achievements. 
Ambassador Pierre said that as a diplomat it was hard for him to see Dr. Sima Samar’s double life, as a fighter in her personal life and as champion of Human Rights in Afghanistan. He recognized her persistence to achieve a common goal, advancing human rights in Afghanistan. He congratulated Dr. Samar on her new role as the State Minister for Human Rights and International Relations. 
Dr. Suraya Subhrang spoke about the importance of two decades of Dr. Sima Samar’s active engagement to advance women’s rights and human rights in the country.
Dr. Sima Samar spoke about her journey as a doctor, educator and human rights commissioner in the country. She also said about her struggle to fight gender discrimination and racism in the country. 
At the end, AISS presented a calligraphic artwork as a token of appreciation for her lifelong struggle and achievements for human rights in Afghanistan.