
High Tea With The Ambassador IV


H.E. Rudiger Konig and Dr. Davood Moradian at the AISS Lecture Series on bilateral relations between Germany and Afghanistan


Thursday, August 01, 2013

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) hosted H.E. Rudiger Konig, the German Ambassador in Kabul, as part of the ‘High Tea With Ambassador’ lecture series.

The Ambassador underlined the convergence of mutual interests in

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Afghan-British Dialogue at AISS


The Afghan-British Dialogue was held at the Institute on Tuesday night.  The Afghan side were represented by members of the Afghan Government, Academia, Afghan Parliament; High Peace Council, and Afghan Civil Society.  The British delegation were represented by members of NATO, senior researchers, and British Think Tanks that are currently visiting Afghanistan ahead of the upcoming presidential elections.

The mainstay of the dialog

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