Non-Resident Senior Fellow Dr. Shivan Mahendrarajah

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Dr. Shivan Mahendrarajah is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies Research Fellow (2021–24) at the School of History, University of St Andrews, Scotland.



Dr. Shivan Mahendrarajah is the author of The Sufi Saint of Jam: History, Religion, and Politics of a Sunni Shrine in Shiʿi Iran (Cambridge University Press, 2021); and A History of Herat, from Chingiz Khan to Tamerlane (Edinburgh University Press, 2022). He has published articles on the Mongols, Tamerlane, Sufism, Shiʿism, and medieval Khurasan; on al-Qaida, the Taliban, and counterinsurgency.



Dr. Shivan Mahendrarajah earned a degree in Islamic Studies at Columbia University in New York, and a doctorate in Persian and Islamic history at the University of Cambridge. He has studied at Damascus University and the University of Tehran.
