Resident Research Fellow Nafay Choudhury

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Nafay Choudhury (BA (Econ Hons.) McGill, MA (Econ) Queen’s, LLB/BCL McGill) is a Research Fellow at the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies and a PhD Researcher at King’s College London, where his work theorizes on the relationship between legal and nonlegal norms in developing societies. Nafay has been working and researching on South Asia for the past 10 years. He has published in the areas of legal pluralism, legal education, comparative law and religious institutions, particularly in the South Asian context.



Legal Pluralism Comparative Law Contract Law/Torts Sociology of Law Legal Anthropology Ethnography Religious Institutions Economic Development



Nafay was a Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law in Hamburg and Research at the Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics in Qatar. He was Assistant Professor of Law at the American University of Afghanistan, having joined as part of the Afghanistan Legal Education Project at Stanford Law School. At AUAF, he helped to develop and launch the law program. He served as a Shari’ah Advisor for the Afghanistan International Bank. He previously worked for the Department of Justice of the Government of Canada.


1. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles “Revisiting Critical Legal Pluralism: Normative Contestations in the Afghan Courtroom” 2017, 4 Asian Journal of Law and Society, 229-255 “The Localised Madrasa in Afghanistan: Their Political and Governance Entanglements” 2017, 45:2 Religion, State & Society, 120-140 “Pluralism in Legal Education at the American University of Afghanistan” 2014, 37 Suffolk Transnational Law Review 249-288 “Niqab vs. Quebec: Negotiating Minority Rights within Quebec Identity” 2012, 1 The University of Western Ontario Journal of Legal Studies 1-29 2. Textbooks “Introduction to the Law of Obligations of Afghanistan” Published by the Afghanistan Legal Education Project 2014 (co-authored textbook) 3. Book Reviews “What is Islam?” 2017 37 South Asian Research 3 “Legal Reform and Business Contracts in Developing Economies” 2017 Journal of African and Asian Studies “Kabul Carnival” 2016, 36 South Asian Research 3 “Legal Anthropology and the Search for Justice,” 2012, 57 McGill Law Journal 2 4. Contracted Reports “Promoting Women’s Economic Participation in Afghanistan through Legal, Regulatory & Policy Reform” (December 2015). Prepared for the International Center for Afghan Women’s Economic Development at the American University of Afghanistan 5. Opinion Pieces: "No Protocol to Revoke Suu Kyi’s Nobel Prize? What Baloney." Center on Public Diplomacy Blog, University of Southern California (online), September 20, 2017. “Unraveling Bangladesh’s ICT and the Shahbag Protests: Injustice in the Making” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (online), March 25, 2013.   6. Other Written Works: “Reconceptualizing Legal Pluralism in Afghanistan,” in S. Alex Constantin et al., eds. The Selected Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Canadian Law Student Conference, Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 21-55, April 2010. “Islamic Banking & the New Social Paradigm,” 2005/6 McGill Journal of Political Economy 25(1): 1-13.