Research Fellow Mr. M. Ashraf Haidari

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Mr. M. Ashraf Haidari is the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Afghanistan to Sri Lanka, prior to which he was the Director-General of Policy and Strategy of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan from 2015 to 2018. From 2012-2015, he served as the Deputy Chief of Mission (Minister Counselor) of the Embassy of Afghanistan in New Delhi, India. From June 2011 to July 2012, he served as the Deputy Assistant National Security Advisor of Afghanistan. From 2004 to 2011, Mr. Haidari served the Embassy of Afghanistan in the United States in various capacities including: Chargé d’Affaires, Deputy Chief of Mission, Political Counselor, and Acting Defense Attaché. He is also an author and TV and radio commentator on Afghanistan and regional affairs. Mr. Haidari is a Visiting Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi; a Senior Fellow at the Institute of National Security Studies of Sri Lanka (INSSSL); a Senior International Security Fellow at the New America (2019 to 2020); and a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) (2015 to 2016). He has also served as a member of the editorial board of the Diplomatist Magazine in New Delhi and has been a Blog-Contributor at the Center for Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California. Mr. Haidari is internationally educated in the United States, Switzerland, and Afghanistan. He holds a Master of Arts in Security Studies (Concentration: International Security and Development) from the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service in Washington-DC; and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations from Wabash College in Indiana. During 2002-2003, Mr. Haidari was a Fellow in Foreign Service at the Georgetown University Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, and holds advanced certificates in International Affairs and Refugee and Humanitarian Emergencies from the University. Mr. Haidari is the recipient of many public and academic awards, and speaks English, Dari/Farsi, French, and some Russian. He was born and grew up in Afghanistan, and shares a personal story that resonates with millions of other ordinary Afghans touched by decades of conflict. He experienced these hardships firsthand both under the Soviet occupation in 1980s and the Taliban rule in 1990s. Mr. Haidari is married and has one son. He is presently is a Research Fellow at AISS. Twitter: @MAshrafHaidari



  • Afghan foreign policy
  • International security and development
  • Energy security
  • Strategic policy planning
  • Strategic communications
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Counter-narcotics
  • Conflict analysis and resolution
  • Refugee and humanitarian emergencies
  • International migration and diaspora studies 
  • Americas, Europe, South Asia, Central Asia, South West Asia, the Middle East, and Caucasus


  • Please see Mr. Haidari’s biography.

  1. “Afghanistan Since 9/11: Making Progress Amid Violence.” Observer Research Foundation (ORF), August 17, 2016.
  2. “Celebrating in Kabul India’s Post-Independence Achievements.” Observer Research Foundation (ORF), August 17, 2016.
  3. “Invest in Afghanistan, the Gateway to Silk Roads.” The Diplomat, June 27, 2016.
  4. “Orlando Shooting Has Nothing to Do with Afghanistan and Islam.” The Diplomat, June 16, 2016.
  5. “Afghanistan’s Forgotten Humanitarian Crisis.” The Diplomat, June 09, 2016.
  6. “Institutionalizing Women’s Rights for Afghanistan’s Future.” The Diplomat, March 23, 2016 (The article’s Dari version was concurrently published in 8Subh).
  7. “How to Jumpstart the Afghan Economy.” Foreign Policy, January 22, 2016 (The article’s Dari version was concurrently published in 8Subh).
  8. “The Plight of Afghan Refugees.” The Diplomat, January 21, 2016 (The article’s Dari version was concurrently published in 8Subhb).
  9. “Afghanistan after the US-Iran Nuclear Deal.” The Diplomat, November 16, 2015.
  10. “Afghanistan after the US-Iran Nuclear Deal.” Observer Research Foundation, November 04, 2015.
  11. “Indo-Afghan Relations: Partnering for Regional Peace and Prosperity.” Delhi Policy Group, Issue Brief, September 2015.
  12. “India-Afghanistan: A Growing Partnership.” The Diplomat, September 16, 2015.
  13. “Elusive Peace in Post-9/11 Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, September 11, 2015.
  14. “The Silk Road through Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, September 2, 2015.
  15. “From Confrontation to Cooperation in South Asia: Lessons from Sikhism and Sufism.” The Diplomat, June 21, 2015.
  16. “For Peace and Harmony in South Asia: Some Lessons from Sikhism and Sufism.” The Hindu, June 16, 2015.
  17. “Terrorizing Afghanistan in the Name of Islam.” The Diplomat, May 29, 2015.
  18. “Why Poppies Continue to Bloom in Afghanistan.” The Outlook Magazine, May 5, 2015.
  19. “Leveraging Impact Investment in Post 2014 Afghanistan.” The Diplomatist Magazine, April 2015.
  20. “How Afghanistan Can Kick its Drug Habit.” Foreign Policy, October 24, 2014.
  21. “Afghanistan-India: A Renewed Partnership.” The Diplomat, July 5, 2014.
  22. “A Renewed Partnership for Regional Peace and Prosperity.” The Diplomatist, July 2014.
  23. “Afghanistan: Key to Reviving the Silk Road.” Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs, June 21, 2014.
  24. “Securing Afghanistan through North-South-South Cooperation.” The Diplomat, June 11, 2014.
  25. “Securing Afghanistan for Regional Stability and Global Peace.” The Diplomatist, June 2014.
  26. “Delivering on Afghanistan’s Vote against Terrorism.” Foreign Policy, April 15, 2014.
  27. “Regional Cooperation: Governance and Disaster Management in Afghanistan.” Diplomacy & Foreign Affairs, March 2, 2014.
  28. “President Karzai and the Afghan Security Agreement.” The New York Times, December 3, 2013.
  29. “The Eleventh Day of September in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, September 19, 2013.
  30. “Leaving Afghanistan before it is Stabilized Would Put US in Peril.” Portland Press Herald, August 3, 2013.
  31. “Jobs, Not Bullets, in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, June 20, 2013.
  32. “Afghanistan: NATO’s Mission Possible.” Foreign Policy, June 6, 2013.
  33. “The Vicious Cycle of Insecurity in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, May 2, 2013.
  34. “Afghan Women as a Measure of Progress.” Foreign Policy, March 18, 2013.
  35. “Remembering the Women of Afghanistan.” Central Asia Newswire, March 15, 2013.
  36. “Afghan Women Need Support as They Rebuild Their Country.” The National, March 8, 2013.
  37. “Helping Afghan Displaced Left Out in the Cold.” Central Asia Newswire, February 05, 2013.
  38. “Rejuvenating Appetite for Success in Afghanistan.” Diplomatic Courier, January 2, 2013.
  39.  “Remembering the Sacrifices of the Afghan Forces.” Afghan Press Online, September 15, 2012.
  40. “Debating the Failed States Index: Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, June 22, 2012.
  41. “Delivering on the Commitments of Afghanistan Conferences.” The Middle East Institute, May 14, 2012.
  42. “Afghan Conference Objectives Must be to Ensure Peace.” Central Asia Newswire, May 14, 2012.
  43. “Healthy Economy Will Bring Stability to Afghanistan.” The National, May 2, 2012.
  44. “Beyond Promises: The Real Solution to the Afghan Refugee Problem.” Diplomatic Courier, March 22, 2012.
  45. “Towards a Successful Transition in Afghanistan.” Central Asia Newswire, January 25, 2012.
  46. “How to Ensure an Irreversible Transition in Afghanistan.” Diplomatic Courier, January 12, 2012.
  47. “Afghanistan is a Winnable War in Progress.” Diplomatic Courier, November 15, 2011.
  48. “Education is Key to Successful Afghan Transition.” Central Asia Newswire, October 12, 2011.
  49. “Education Sector Will be the Legacy of War in Afghanistan. The National, October 7, 2011.
  50. “Misinformation only Makes Afghanistan’s Task More Difficult.” The National, September 1, 2011.
  51. “Afghan Aid Does More Harm than Good in Wrong Hands.” The National, July 6, 2011.
  52.  “Bonn II: Seeking a Secure Afghanistan.” The Washington Times, December 6, 2011.
  53. “Righting the Wrong Smart Power in Afghanistan.” Center on Public Diplomacy Blog, University of Southern California, June 27, 2011.
  54. “Empowering Afghan Women.” Journal of International Peace Operations: May-June 2011.
  55. “Beyond OBL, Public Diplomacy in Afghanistan.” Center on Public Diplomacy Blog, University of Southern California, May 6, 2011.
  56. “More than ‘Three Cups of Tea’ for Afghan education.” The National, April 28, 2011.
  57. “Haidari: ‘Three Cups of Tea’ for Kabul University.” The Washington Times, April 26, 2011.
  58. “Seeking a Common Future.” Diplomatic Pouch (The Washington Diplomat), April 13, 2011.
  59. “For Afghans, Aid Can Save Lives with Disaster Prevention.” The National, March 17, 2011.
  60. “Afghanistan: Securing the Future for Afghan Women.” EurasiaNet, March 8, 2011.
  61. “Afghanistan: Rethinking Humanitarian Assistance.” EurasiaNet, March 1, 2011.
  62. “Afghanistan’s Human Security Crisis: Balancing Military and Civilian Efforts to Secure Afghanistan.” Journal of International Peace Operations: January-February 2011.
  63. “Rethinking the ‘Long War’ in Afghanistan.” The Afghan Press Online (The New York Times), February 27, 2011.
  64. “Afghanistan: Aid to Farmers and International Cooperation Key to Narcotics Elimination.” EurasiaNet, 29 December 2010.
  65. “It is not Afghan Farmers Who Are Addicted to Drugs Trade.” The National, 14 December 2010.
  66. “Investing in the Human Security of Afghanistan.” The G-20 Seoul Magazine, November 2010.
  67. “Afghanistan: Human Security is the Key to Victory.” EurasiaNet, 26 October 2010.
  68. “Women Are the Pillars of Afghanistan.” International Affairs Forum (The Washington Post), 31 October 2010.
  69. “Shift Military Spending to Development.” The National, 26 October 2010.
  70. “Staying the Course in Afghanistan.”  The Washington Post, 16 September 2010.
  71. “Progress Amid Violence: Quality of Life has Improved for Most People.” The Washington Times, 09 September 2010.
  72. “Afghans Need Americans’ Support.” The New York Times & International Herald Tribune, September 06, 2010.
  73. “Karzai Not Two-Faced about War on Terrorism.” International Affairs Forum (The New York Times), 05 August 2010.
  74. “It’s the Afghan Economy, Stupid.” New York Daily News, 18 July 2010.
  75. “Why Afghanistan is a Worthy Cause.” The Afghan Press Online (San Francisco Chronicle), 15 July 2010.
  76. “Minerals Can Secure the Future of Afghanistan.” EurasiaNet, 05 July 2010.    
  77. “Portrait of War: A View from the Afghan Embassy.” The New York Times, 03 July 2010.
  78. “Help Afghanistan Help Itself to Mine Mineral Resources.” The National, 30 June 2010.
  79. “Is Afghanistan Worth Securing?” The Washington Post, 19 June 2010.
  80. “Securing Afghanistan for the Sake of Afghans.” Diplomatic Courier Magazine, 07 June 2010.
  81. “Urgency to Stay the Course in Afghanistan.” The Boston Globe, 05 June 2010.
  82. “Remembering the Fallen in Afghanistan.” The Washington Times, 20 May 2010.
  83. “HAIDARI: Remembering the Sacrifices of the Afghan People.” EurasiaNet, 07 May 2010.
  84. “Afghanistan’s Need for Security-Force Trainers.” The New York Times, 05 May 2010.
  85. “HAIDARI: A New Chance for Women.” The Washington Times, 09 March 2010.
  86. “Give Karzai a Break.” The Washington Times, 04 March 2010.
  87. “South-South Cooperation: How Brazil Can Secure the Future of Afghanistan.” Journal of International Peace Operations: March-April 2010.
  88. “Does Brazil Hold the Key to Afghan Stabilization.” EurasiaNet, 02 March 2010.
  89. “President Gorbachev Got it Wrong.” The Afghan Press Online (The New York Times), 11 February 2010.
  90. “Contextualizing the August 20th Elections.” Journal of International Peace Operations: January-February 2010.
  91. “Afghanistan: An Analysis of Whole of Government Approach.” Canadian-United States in Afghanistan. Ed. Kenneth M. Holland. Clemensport: The Canadian Peacekeeping Press, 2009. 32-37.
  92. “Democracy in Context.” The Washington Times, 18 November 2009.
  93. “How to Solve the Dilemma.” The Washington Times, 14 October 2009.
  94. “Afghanistan: Rethinking the Af-Pak Strategy.” EurasiaNet, 14 October 2009.
  95. “Afghanistan at the Brink.” International Herald Tribune, 09 September 2009.
  96. “What Lies Ahead on the Afghan Road?” The New York Times, 09 September 2009.
  97. “Stay the Course in Afghanistan: Assessing Afghanistan's Present and Future.” The Washington Post, 07 September 2009.
  98. “Beyond the Elections: Key Lessons for International Peacekeeping in Afghanistan.” Journal of International Peace Operations: September 2009.
  99. “Winning the Elusive Peace in Afghanistan” The Middle East Times, 21 July 2009.
  100. “Afghanistan: Let's Not Forget about the Internally Displaced Persons.” EurasiaNet, 15 July 2009.
  101. >“The Challenges We Face.” The Washington Times, 13 July 2009.
  102. “The Forgotten Plight of Internally Displaced Persons in Afghanistan and the World.” Asia Chronicle, 10 July 2009.
  103. “The Way Forward for Afghan Women.” The Baltimore Sun, 27 May 2009. >
  104. “Education is the Key to Empowering Afghan Women.” International Affairs Forum, 14 May 2009.
  105. “Correcting Perceptions.” The Washington Times, 05 April 2009.
  106. “Righting the Wrong Perceptions on Afghanistan.”  The Middle East Times, 31 March 2009.
  107. “Afghanistan: How to Win the War on Drugs.” EurasiaNet, 27 March 2009.
  108. “State-Building vs. Nation-Neglecting in Afghanistan.” Diplomatic Courier, 12 December 2008.
  109. “Empty Promises in Afghanistan.” Asia Times, 22 November 2008.
  110. “A Way Through the Afghan Labyrinth.” Asia Times, 07 October 2008.
  111. “Seven Years On, Terrorism Still Threatens Afghanistan.” The Middle East Times, 09 September 2008.
  112. “Afghanistan: Remembering Afghan Refugees.” EurasiaNet, 11 September 2008. 
  113. “Securing Afghanistan.” The New York Times, 21 July 2008.
  114. “Peace Deals That Destabilize Afghanistan.” The Middle East Times & International Affairs Forum, 03 July 2008.
  115. “Securing Afghanistan.” The Washington Times, 01 July 2008.
  116. “Aid Effectiveness Key to Addressing Rebuilding Challenges.” EurasiaNet, 12 June 2008.
  117. “Securing Afghanistan's Future in Paris.” The Middle East Times, 11 June 2008.
  118. “For Afghanistan's Secure Future.” The Korea Times, 11 June 2008.
  119. “Paris Conference: An Opportunity to Address Afghanistan’s Key Rebuilding Challenges.” International Affairs Forum, 10 June 2008.
  120. “Afghanistan: NATO's Most Critical Mission.” Pajhwok, 09 April 2008.
  121. “Fixing Afghanistan.” The Washington Times, 09 April 2008. >
  122. “Help that Afghans Need Now.”  The Washington Post, 09 April 2008.
  123. “Afghanistan: More NATO Troops and Trainers Needed.” EurasiaNet, 01 April 2008.
  124. “NATO needs Marshall Plan to Secure Afghanistan.” Quqnoos, 31 March 2008.
  125. “Can Afghanistan lay a new Silk Road?” Quqnoos, 24 March 2008.
  126. “Afghan Mission: NATO's Raison D’être.” The Baltimore Sun, 21 March 2008.
  127. “Equal Human Rights.”  The Washington Times, 07 March 2008.
  128. “Women’s Gains at Risk in Afghanistan.” The Culture and Conflict Review, 02 March 2008.
  129. “Afghanistan: Beyond Security, the Economy is Booming.” EurasiaNet, 24 January 2008.
  130. “Afghanistan: The Silk Road to Opportunities.” Diplomatic Traffic, 24 January 2008.
  131. “Toward Afghan Success.” The New York Times, 06 November 2007.
  132. “Success in Afghanistan.”  International Herald Tribune, 06 November 2007.
  133. “Women: The Pillars of Afghanistan.” CACI Analyst, 27 October 2007.
  134. “Help Wean Afghans from Poppy Crop.” The Baltimore Sun, 27 August 2007.
  135. “Canada Needs to Keep its Troops in Afghanistan.” EurasiaNet, 23 May 2007.
  136. “How Goes the War on Terrorism? Nation Building or Nation Neglecting?” San Francisco Chronicle, 06 February 2007: B7.
  137. “Rebuilding Afghanistan: The Diaspora’s Debt of Service.” Pajhwok Afghan News, Omaid Weekly, e-ariana, Ashian Magazine, and Zeba Magazine, December 2006.
  138. “Afghan Democracy.” The Washington Times, 21 July 2006.
  139. “The London Donors’ Conference: Continued International Support Key to Afghanistan’s Future.” The Washington Diplomat, 05 January 2006.
  140. “Time to Recommit to Afghanistan’s Secure Future.” Diplomatic Traffic, February 2006.
  141. “Afghanistan’s Parliamentary Election Results Confirm Stunning Gains for Women.” EurasiaNet, 28 October 2005.
  142. “Fighting the Narcotics Industry with Human Security.” Diplomatic Traffic, March 2005.  
  143. “Behind the Scenes: Visionary Leadership.” Diplomatic Traffic, February 2005.  
  144. “Rebuilding Afghanistan: The Diaspora Role.” The Ashian Magazine (October 2004): 45-46.
  145. “No Security, No Trans-Afghan Pipelines.” Lemar –Aftab Afghan Magazine (July 2004).
  146. “Strategy Paper: Reconstruction, Trade, and Commerce.” Afghanistan: Looking Toward the Future. Washington, DC: Georgetown University, July 2002, 71-95.
  147. “Senior Reflections.” The Bachelor, 13 May 2001: 8.
  1. Views Around “Afghan Forces Were Attacked from across the Durand Line.” February 26, 2014.
  2. Views Around and Eurasia Review. “Securing Afghanistan through Regional Cooperation.” August, 31, 2013.
  3. Diplomatic Courier. “Beyond Bin Laden: Winning the War of Perceptions for Success in Afghanistan.” May 16, 2011.
  4. Diplomatic Traffic. “Seven Years in US-Afghan Relations.” May 2011.
  5. Center for International Relations. International Affairs Forum. "The London Conference: Recommitting to Afghanistan's Secure Future." 26 January 2010.
  6. Center for International Relations. International Affairs Forum. "The 2009 Presidential Elections and Future of Afghanistan." 17 August 2009.
  7. Center for International Relations. International Affairs Forum. "Securing Afghanistan: The War of Perceptions." 27 March 2009.
  8. Development Gateway. "The Challenges and Opportunities of Nation-Building in Afghanistan." 2 July 2007.
  9. Journal of International Affairs. "Afghanistan: Nation-Building, Economic Recovery, and War against Terror and Drugs." (Volume 3 - Number 1), Spring 2007.
  10. Lalit K. Jha. Pajhwok Afghan News. "U.S. Government, People Committed to Afghanistan." 13 March 2007.