Afghanistan Lost One Of Its Education Pioneers

Posted on: 24-02-2019

By Ejaz Ahmad Malikzada

Dr. Sharif Fayez, Founder of the American University of Afghanistan and former Minister of Higher Education has passed away at age of 72.

The American University of Afghanistan announced the passing away of AUAF’s Founder Dr. Sharif Fayez (1946-2019) on February 10 2019 in its Facebook page. “Dr. Fayez had a long and distinguished career as an educator and scholar, dedicating himself during the last two decades of his life to the development of higher education in Afghanistan following the fall of the Taliban regime”, wrote AUAF in its Facebook page.

Dr. Sharif Fayez was the founder of modern education in Afghanistan after the fall of Taliban regime. Fayez took over the Ministry of Higher Education in the Interim Government (2001-2004). He inherited a broken Ministry of Higher Education, since decades of war resulted in a complete depletion of the Afghan education system. After Fayez took over, the Ministry of Higher Education was able to build an education system to educate thousands of students.

Dr. Sharif Fayez was born in 1946 in Herat Province. He received his primary and high school in Herat and Kabul and received his bachelor degree from Kabul University in 1970. He pursued his Master’s degree in English Literature in Columbia University and Northern Colorado University. He completed his PhD in American and Comparative Literature at the University of Arizona in 1978. His doctoral dissertation examined the work of the US poet Walt Whitman and Persian poet Maulana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi Rumi.

After completion of his PhD, Dr. Fayez taught in the English Department of Kabul University. He also taught in Ferdawsi Univeristy of Iran in 1980s. Dr. Fayez was a visiting scholar of University of Arizona.

Fayez had authored many scholarly writings, as he received honorary awards for his work in translating literary works of Persian Poets. His work enabled many Western readers understand Persian Literature. “Using poetry of Jalaluddin Rumi, Hafiz and Omar Khayyam, he opened Persian literature up to me”, says Dr. John Wall, a writer from New Zealand, who has engaged with Fayez on conversations about Persian literature. Wall equates  Fayez to American contemporary philosopher and educational reformer, John Dewey.

Fayez served two decades of his life in building a modern education system in Afghanistan. American University of Afghanistan is the results of Fayez’s dedication to what he believed in. “Dr. Fayez inspired me through his dedication for education for Afghanistan’s men and women, says Paul Revere, who has served in American University of Afghanistan since 2009. “He continued to work for a better Afghanistan through education. His passion to deliver on his beliefs is inspiring”, added Paul Revere.

Fayez promoted the culture of critical thinking in classes and discussions. He left his mark in the education system and the history of Afghanistan. Most of his coworkers and students believe that loss of a pioneer such as Dr. Fayez is a big loss for the country. His coworkers hope “someone with the knowledge of Afghanistan and dedication as that of Dr. Fayez could take the lead of the legacy he has left in the country”.

Fayez was also known for his quiet character and kind demeanor. He would spend his time listening to students, guiding them on their education and career choices. Mojtaba Salem, a graduate of AUAF who is now pursuing his PhD in Germany said, “Dr. Fayez , despite busy schedules, always had time to sit down with students and give them advice on choosing their study major for a promising career”. Habib Athaee, another graduate of AUAF who studied Education Leadership in the U.S., says, “Dr. Fayez always had an open-door and open-mind policy. What I have achieved in life, is due to my inspiration from the dedication I have seen in Dr. Fayez in developing modern education in Afghanistan”. Breshna Musazai, another AUAF graduate and girl’s education activist who was also wounded in the August 2016 attack on the American University of Afghanistan, describes Fayez as “a very kind and quiet character”.

Fayez never gave up to the cause he believed in. After the August 2016 attack on the American University of Afghanistan, which he saw as his child, he committed to getting it back on its feet. “Despite everything that happened to us, the attack on the university and everything that happened in Afghanistan in the past decade, Dr. Sharif Fayez has kept advocating for the university”, says Professor C. Henderson of the American University of Afghanistan. “He had a complete unwavering commitment to the University. He was not the ‘pounding in the podium’ type of advocate, but actually forcefully advocated for the university and the cause he believed in”, added Professor C. Henderson.

Ejaz Ahmad Malikzada works at the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies. He is a graduate of the American University of Afghanistan.


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