Roundtable Discussion about the Role of Islamic Groups and Parties at the Universities of Afghanistan

Posted on: 12-02-2022

On January 22, 2022, AISS held a roundtable discussion about the Role of Islamic Groups and parties at the universities of Afghanistan, via Twitter Spaces. The roundtable discussed the newly published AISS research titled “Typology of Active Political Trend at the Universities”. Dr Zahra Lutfi, Dr javad Ramyar and Farid Deldari were speakers in the panel. Dr Zahra Lutfi talked about role of Islamic groups and their activities’ consequences on political sphere of Afghanistan. Dr Javad Ramyar evaluated the methodology of the research and Farid Deldari discussed the activities of security entities to counter the threats of the Islamic groups.  The roundtable discussion was wrapped up with Q&A between panel speakers and audience.