Online Roundtable Discussion on the Occasion of International Day for Human Rights The Future of Human Rights in Today’s Afghanistan

Posted on: 09-12-2021

On Thursday, 09 December, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies-AISS held an online roundtable discussion on the occasion of International day for human rights “The Future of Human Rights in Today’s Afghanistan”. 
Ms. Masouda Karokhi, Women’s Rights Activist and Former MP; Fatima Farahi, Women’s Rights Activist; Forozan Rasooli; Women’s Rights Activist; Shukria Mashal Mubarez; Women’s Rights Activist; Soraya Baligh, Women’s Rights Activist, and Freshta Yaqoobi, Women’s Rights Activist were the speakers of the event, and the program was moderated by 
Farhad Haqyar, Ph.D. Student in Journalism.
In this program, the speakers spoke about the future human rights and particularly women’s rights in Afghanistan,  international’s policies regarding these issues, and the important role of Afghan women and civil society in the current situation.