Launch of Research Paper on A New Lens on Centralization versus Decentralization in Afghanistan: Searching Beneath the Surface

Posted on: 05-06-2021

On Saturday, June 5, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), launched its recent research paper titled “A New Lens on Centralization versus Decentralization in Afghanistan: Searching Beneath the Surface”. The launching ceremony was accompanied by an online discussion with Dr. M. Bashir Mobasher, Author of the Research and Adjunct Professor at the Western Washington University; Dr. Yaqub Ibrahimi, lecturer at Carleton University, Ottawa; and Dr. Lutf-ur-Rehman Saeed, Islamic Law Professor at Kabul University & Chairman of Afghanistan Constitutional Studies Institute. The panel was moderated by Attia Mehraban, a Civil Society Activist.

This paper is published under the aegis of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) constitutional and political system reform studies series, and conducted by Dr. Mohammad Bashir Mobasher and Dr. Mohammad Qadam Shah. This study reveals that concepts such as unitarism, federalism, centralization, and decentralization are highly politicized and often misunderstood in Afghanistan.

You can find the full research paper below:


You can watch the full video of this discussion at the link below.