Roundtable Discussion on Assessing Dr. Najibullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani's Ethnic Policies

Posted on: 29-04-2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an online roundtable discussion on “Assessing Dr. Najibullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani's Ethnic Policies”. Dr. Nazif Shahrani, professor, Indiana University, USA; Dr. Sayed Askar Mousavi, Anthropologists, and University Professor; Ghulam Jilani Zawak, Head of the Research and Advisory Council of Afghanistan; and Aziz Rafiee, Director of Afghan Civil Society Forum Organization, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Razia Danesh, University Lecturer.

Dr. Sayed Askar Mousavi said the more fanaticism and unilateralism there is, the more tension there will be. Therefore, an inclusive government must be formed that protects the rights of all citizens. Racial supremacy in Afghanistan officially began and institutionalized during Amanullah Khan's ruling and continued during Najib's presidency. One of the main reasons that Dr. Najib came to power in the People's Parcham Party was the presence of more Persian speakers; however, after Dr. Najib took over the power, the system became more focused around Pashtuns.

Dr. Nazif Shahrani said the issue of ethnicity became more prominent when it entered a political phase. This could be understood more deeply in the history of European countries. In fact, "identity" became a serious issue during nation-building. The people of Afghanistan have not had a role in state-building, and rulers have often been elected by other States. Such a practice has harmed political culture. Dr. Najib also used the experience of communist countries as a tool: granting autonomy to small ethnic groups; however, it didn't work.

Ghulam Jelani Zawak stated that the loss of Dr. Najibullah had reached the Pashtuns more than non-Pashtuns. After the Shahnavaz Tani coup, Dr. Najibullah, with the help of the Carmel faction, expelled many Pashtun generals from the army. He said Najibullah was brought to power by the Russians, but the Karmel faction went to confront Najib using ethnic discourse. He added that, as far as possible, the rights of ethnic groups have been taken into account, but only a few have enjoyed the privileges of being an ethnic group and the lives of ordinary people have not changed.

Aziz Rafiee said, "Today we are paying the price for the negative actions and ethnic, racial, linguistic, and religious prejudices of the previous rulers." One of the main factors in the survival of Zahir Shah's monarchy was that there was opportunity and mutual acceptance for others, another example of which was Mr. Karzai when there was an opportunity for everyone. The current challenges stem from two main factors; 1) the Multiple and discriminatory treatments of small ethnic groups, and 2) How ethnic political participation is what Afghanistan is trying to do for a particular ethnic group to dominate.

You can watch the full video of the roundtable discussion at the link below.