Roundtable Discussion on Turkey's Role in the Afghan Peace Process

Posted on: 07-04-2021

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an online roundtable discussion on “Turkey's Role in the Afghan Peace Process”. The event was accompanied by Dr. Nazif Shahrani, professor, Indiana University, USA; Mehmet Koç, Director of Internal Policy Department, Ankara Center for Iranian Studies; Yunus Tughra, Political Analyst and Dr. Mohammad Musa Jafari, Lecturer in International Relations at Kateb University, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Haanya Malik, Author and Researcher.

Dr. Shahrani said Turkey has good relations with the West, especially with Europe, which could help the Afghan peace process. Because along with the United States, European countries will play an important role in the peace process. He added that the forthcoming conference in Istanbul on Afghan peace process would be very close to the Bonn conference, as there were a limited number of political elites in Bonn who rose to power and wealth. A large number of them are also present at the forthcoming conference, and the most important issue is the absence of real representatives of the Afghan people.

Mehmet Koç said that Turkey, unlike other countries, has the capacity and the will to play positively in bringing peace to Afghanistan. To secure their interests, some countries have contributed to insecurity in Afghanistan. He added that Turkey could play a constructive role in the Afghan peace process alongside world powers. Because Turkey has good relations with Pakistan and Iran, and can play a role through bilateral diplomacy.

Yunus Tughra said that Turkey is one of the most influential countries in Afghanistan and has supported various programs in Afghanistan for 19 years. On the other hand, Turkey's neutrality policy can accelerate the peace process in Afghanistan. He added that Turkey has always wanted peace and stability in Afghanistan, but the Afghan leaders themselves can play a key role. Because the majority of existing failures are the result of their performance.

Dr. Mohammad Musa Jafari stated that in addition to good relations with Western countries, Turkey also has sufficient knowledge of Afghanistan's major parties and this can be effective in the Afghan peace dialogue. He added that Turkey is still looking for opportunities in Afghanistan. Following the arrival of Joe Biden, Turkey is seeking to re-establish relations with the United States. "We have not seen a clear pattern from the Taliban in the Doha talks other than the revival of the Islamic Emirate," Jafari said.

You can watch full video of the roundtable discussion in the link below.