Roundtable Discussion on Challenges and Opportunities of Water Management between Afghanistan and Iran

Posted on: 01-04-2021

On Thursday, April 1, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an online roundtable discussion on “Challenges and Opportunities of Water Management between Afghanistan and Iran". Najib Agha Fahim, Lecturer at Kabul University; Dr. Haibatullah Najandimanesh, Member of International Law Faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran; Sayed Ali Hussaini, Researcher and Dr. Mohammad Ali Bahmani-Qajar, Researcher of International Law from Iran, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Abdul Basir Azimi Researcher.

Najiba Agha Fahim said that the Helmand Water Agreement is a comprehensive agreement that can not only resolve the differences between Afghanistan and Iran; it can also be used as a model to resolve the water dispute in the region. She added that the problems in Afghanistan had made it possible for Iran to use more water than it deserved. Now that Afghanistan has in some cases been able to contain the water, the Iranian government is protesting that it is not acceptable under the treaty and international law.

Dr. Bahmani Qajar said that we can cooperate on water management on both sides of the border. Iran and Afghanistan are committed to protecting the region's environment. Does the Afghan government have a commitment to protect our wetlands? If our countries dry up, both countries will suffer. We need to manage water for development; we don't ask for extra. He added that a joint program should be established where Iran can help develop agriculture in Afghanistan and in return Afghanistan give Iran water rights.

In his speech, Sayed Ali Hussaini said that water in the area where we live is a very expensive commodity and there is no alternative. The people of Afghanistan have long been agricultural people. "Afghanistan's irrigation mechanism is old and it wastes a lot of water," he said. Our international and domestic research shows that the normal per capita of the Harirod water basin is less than the rest of the world. We must evaluate solutions to first meet the needs of the residents of the region, then implement the contract of 1351.

Dr. Haibatullah Najandimanesh said that scientific methods, consultations, and negotiations should be used to resolve water disputes. Today, the environment is a serious issue that affects not only Iran and Afghanistan, but the entire region. Lack of proper water management can also cause health problems in Iran and Afghanistan. He added that Iran and Afghanistan could turn the water crisis into a confrontation or cooperation. If transboundary rivers are not well managed, they can affect the security of the region.

You can watch full video of the roundtable discussion in the link below.