Roundtable Discussion on Assessing Targetted Assassinations: Motives and Consequences

Posted on: 28-05-2020

On Thursday, May 28, 2020, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies-AISS held a virtual roundtable discussion on “Assessing Targetted Assassinations: Motives and Consequences”. Gen Abdulhadi Khalid, former deputy minister of interior; Gen Mirza Mohammad Yarmand, former deputy minister of interior and Mohibullah Noori, founder of Heart of Asia Nations Integration Movement, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Abdulmalek Atash, Journalist.
General Khalid was the first speaker on the program. He delivered his speech in three parts: first he explained that why and how targetted assassinations take place, then he discussed why there is a need for victims to be honored and at last he went on to make his recommendations. He said that in terms of terrorism insurgency, the assassinations that have targeted personalities in the country were mostly targeted at figures coming the country`s north and northeast. He also said that personalities such as General Dawood Dawood, Shah Jahan Nouri and other martyrs should be honored and their ideals and ideas shall be respected. He said that there is a need for a thorough investigation on the main causes of the war to find the best approach to end it. He said that doing so would need expertise. And thus, there is a need for an institution to investigate targetted assassinations.
General Mirza Mohammad Yarmand was the second speaker of the event. He began his opening remarks by describing the characters and lives of General Dawood Dawood and General Shah Jahan Noori. He said the two men grew up in an environment where morality was the first principle. He stated that any investigation on both cases, should provide evidences on what might have been the causes, factors, motives and conditions of the targetted assassinations. He said there were many questions about the (Haft Jawza) incident, which remain unanswered. "I do not think that such investigation will lead to… [prosecution and justice] in Afghanistan, as it is very difficult [for an investigation to come to a result] as mysterious hands are behind these issues," he added.
Muhibullah Noori criticized the government, saying that the families of the martyrs expected the detainees to be investigated in relation with the (Haft Jawza) incident, but this did not happen. He said the (Haft Jawza) incident and the deaths of General Dawood Dawood and Shah Jahan Nouri have had consequences, which include the weakening and collapse of the north and northeast [territories], the weakening of political movements, the decline of social mobilization, and the weakening of the leadership of the masses defending them. At the end, he described General Noori and General Dawood as strong military figures.