Launch of Research Paper on Political Settlement and Post-Conflict Order in Afghanistan People’s Views

Posted on: 16-01-2020

On Thursday, January 16, 2020, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), launched its recent research paper titled “Political Settlement and Post-Conflict Order in Afghanistan People’s Views”. Distinguished politicians, diplomats, academics, civil society members and media representatives attended the event.
Hadi Ayoobi, AISS researcher, H.E Abdul Salam Rahimi, State Minister in peace affairs and Aziz Rafiee, Director of the Afghan civil society forum were the speakers of panel accompanying the launch program. The event was moderated by Ferdaws Kawus, Editor-in-chief of Hasht-e-Subh daily newspaper.
In the beginning of the program, Hadi Ayoobi presented summary of the findings of the research. He said that the research assesses people’s views on mechanisms of political settlement and political order in Afghanistan. Political settlement is examined by questions on election, interim government, power-sharing, and decentralization of power. Political order is studied through a focus on types of political systems and mechanisms of political legitimation. The research is based on a survey of 1500 respondents in 34 provincial capitals of the country.
Pointing out the value of the research presented by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies, Abdul Salaam Rahimi, State Minister for Peace, stated that the research shows that the Afghan people have a "collective wisdom" regarding peace, political resolution of the conflict and the political future of Afghanistan. He iterated that the voice of peace demanded by the Afghan people should be heard by the government. One of these voices for peace is the research of AISS. Mr. Rahimi continued to explain the notions of peace and war, and that peace has become a dream. He said, “the true meaning of peace needs to be further addressed”. “The true meaning of peace is the end of war and the reduction of violence”, he added. The State Minister for Peace also said that the Afghan negotiating team acknowledge the presence of women in the negotiating team, in addition to representation of the whole of Afghanistan.
Mr Aziz Rahimi pointed out that Afghanistan’s religious and cultural heritage regarding tolerance and moderation provides basis for peace. But in order to end the war and reach peace it is necessary to identify root causes of violence and extremism and design plans to address them. He emphasized that a lasting peace needs to be secured through meaningful ceasefire and reaching out to war victims.

you can find the full research paper bellow: