AISS Representative Participated in the 3rd Central Asian Security Forum

Posted on: 16-12-2019

Hussain Ehsani, AISS Researcher, participated in the 3rd Security Forum of Expert Symposium on the Digital Dimensions of Violent Extremism in Central Asia held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 12 -13 December 2019. Mr. Ehsani spoke about “The Use of Social Media by Extremist Groups for the Purpose of Recruitment and Propaganda, to Spread Fear and Violence”.
The purpose of this forum was to stimulate solution-oriented discussions on prevention and countering of violent extremism online. The authorized representatives from the state agencies, civil society institutions, academic and expert communities, media organizations, international institutions as well as national and transnational content providers participated in this forum.
In particular, the 3rd Central Asian Security Forum brought together international and regional experts to assess and discuss additional dimensions of violent extremism in Central Asia in different interactive roundtable discussions.