The 8th Herat Security Dialogue (HSD-VIII)

Posted on: 20-10-2019

The 8th round of Herat Security Dialogue (Herat Security Dialogue VIII), hosted by the Afghanistan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) was held in Herat on October 18-19, 2019. Researchers, professors, politicians, members of civil society and diplomats from 20 countries and international organisation participated in the conference. The main theme of this round of Herat Security Dialogue, “Settlement of Afghanistan Conflict: Opportunities and Challenges”, was discussed in seven panels.

The conference began with performance of Sufi Music and welcoming remarks by AISS Director Davood Moradian, and Governor of Herat, Abdul Qayoum Rahimi. The dialogue was inaugurated by Dr Rangin Dadfar Sepanta, Chairman of AISS Advisory Board who expressed his welcome remarks and his perspective on the conflict in Afghanistan.
The key note speaker of the conference was Ambassador Roland Kobia, European Union Special Envoy to Afghanistan. He noted European Union’s call for peace in Afghanistan. He said that a ceasefire is needed before we resume peace talks. He iterated that peace must consolidated gains of the past 18 years rather than eroding them. He also noted that transparency must be ensured in the Afghan peace process and the government of Afghanistan should be a full party to talks. He also extended EU’s offer to be guarantor of the Afghan peace process.
Ambassador Kobia emphasized that people’s voice must be prioritized in the peace process and that his first visit of Herat is an opportunity to hear people out. 

During the first day of the conference, speakers explained their perspectives in four panels. The first panel deliberated on ‘An Inter-Elite Consensus: Nationalism & Governance’. Four speaker discussed the need for reform in the governance in Afghanistan.

The second panel was titled as “Taliban 1 & 2: Have They Learned Their Lesson?” in which, the panelists discussed Taliban and the peace process. The speakers also discussed the need for compromises for achieving peace in Afghanistan. 
The third panel discussed “Economic and Social Transformation” in the country. They discussed growth of the Afghan economy and predicted where it is going despite challenges and insecurities. 

The fourth panel in the first day of the conference titled “South Asia: A Paradigm Change?” focused on regional politics surrounding Afghanistan. The panelists also discussed how countries in the region can play a vital role in overcoming Afghanistan conflict.

The 2nd day of the conference focused on solutions to Afghanistan conflict. The panels discussed how conflict has affected the lives of the people of the country and provided recommendation on the role of media, women, youth and civil society in the peace process. They also discussed the US-Afghanistan relationship and the role of regional countries, and the Islamic world in settlement of the conflict in Afghanistan.

At the end of this two-day conference, Dr Davood Moradian thanked participants for gathering and sharing their perspectives. He also appreciated Herat’s people for warm welcoming. 

Herat Security Dialogue has been held in Herat for the past seventh years, as a platform for exchanging thoughts among local, regional and international policy makers. Herat Security Dialogue VIII`s full report, including photos and videos will soon be available on HSD page.