AISS Commemorated Cultural Pluralism in Afghanistan

Posted on: 19-07-2019

On Friday,19 July 2019, Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an event to celebrate International Day of Nelson Mandela and the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, and commemorate Afghanistan’s cultural pluralism. The event was participated by Afghan government officials, foreign diplomats, members of academia, media, civil society and members of international organizations.
The event featured speeches by H.E. Vinay Kumar, Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan, Dr. Sayed Makhdom Raheen, former Minister of Information and Culture, Dr. Anarkali Hunaryar, Member of House of Elders of Parliament representing Sikhs and Hindus, and Sayed Reza Mohammadi, Writer, Poet and Cultural Advisor to AISS, screening of BBC Documentary on Afghan Sikhs and Hindus by Kawoon Khamoosh, Nuristani handicrafts exhibition, and Sufi Music performance by Bazme Leqa Group. The event was moderated by AISS colleague, Ejaz Malikzada.
The event was inaugurated by a Sufi music performance and welcoming remarks by AISS director, followed by speech by H.E. Vinay Kumar, Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan.
Ambassador Kumar spoke about the life and legacy of late Mahatma Gandhi, Indian civil rights and freedom activist and leader of Indian Independence Movement. Ambassador Kumar said that Mahatma Gandhi believed in the oneness of humankind and the oneness of God.
Dr. Sayed Makhdom Raheen spoke about cultural diversity and interdependence in the historical and cultural geography of Khorasan and the need of Afghanistan today.
Dr. Anarkali Hunaryar, spoke about the concerns and challenges facing the Afghan Sikhs and Hindus. She said that besides security challenges, the Hindu and Sikh population of Afghanistan face discrimination. Dr. Hunaryar also spoke about the problems Hindus and Sikhs faced during the Taliban regime.
Mr. Kawoon Khamoosh introduced BBC documentary about Sikhs and Hindus of Afghanistan, followed by a screening of the documentary. The documentary features the problems of Afghanistan Sikhs and Hindus who have been struck by poverty and discrimination. Most of the Afghan Sikhs have left the country for Europe and United States to seek better life.
Sayed Reza Mohammadi spoke about legacy of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, and global security.
The event was concluded by a Sufi musical performance by the Leqa Music Group.