Roundtable of Review of Herat Environment Challenges; the feasibility study of Herat National Park

Posted on: 25-05-2019

Saturday, May 25, 2019 Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) Regional office hosted a roundtable titled “Review of Herat Environment Challenges; the feasibility study of Herat National Park”.
A number of government officials, university professors, environmental experts, civil activists and media participated the event.
Mr. Nasir Ahmad Fazly, head of national environment protection agency, Dawood Shah Ahmadi, head of AZMA Institute were the speakers and Behnaz Rasooli, media activist, was the moderator of this event.
In this program, which was held on the occasion of International week of Biological Diversity, Mr. Fazly discussed Herat's environmental challenges with a focus on the areas that are preserved.
At the beginning of his speech, he said, "Population density, lack of proper fuel, increased polluting vehicles and wasteful animal hunting" are the main environmental challenges in Herat province.
The second speaker of this program, Mr. Ahmadi, reviewed the standards of National Park considered in government policies. Also, he also reviewed the feasibility to convert the Karokh, Bande Sabzak and The valleys around of Karokh to National Parks in Herat.
Mr. Ahmadi also spoke about national and international standards that are important for creation of national parks and added that the 'Pesta-Liq area in Herat and Badghis, Bande Sabzak forest area and Boqorchehr are the places that can be used as national parks in the western zone of the country in the future.
This program ended with a Q&A session.