AISS Recent Research Paper on “Religious Radicalism in the Higher Education of Afghanistan”

Posted on: 04-04-2019

On Thursday, April 4, 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), launched its recent research paper titled “Religious Radicalism in the Higher Education of Afghanistan: Analysis of the Political System of Islam Course and its Impact of the Students”. This study explores the religious radicalism at the higher education of Afghanistan-Islamic Political System lectures and its influence on the students. Distinguished politicians, diplomats, academics, civil society members and media representatives attended the event. 
Ramin Kamangar, AISS researcher and the author of the research paper, Abdul Hafiz Mansoor, religious scholar/member of parliament, Dr. Abdulmatin Shahidi, lecturer at Kabul University were the speakers of the event. The event was moderated by Ferdaws Kawish, Senior Analyst for Hashte Subh Daily Newspaper.
At the beginning of the program, Ramin Kamangar presented a summary of the findings of the research. He added that this research is primarily trying to open up the main issues to radical concepts and radicalism, and based on that, get access to the indicators of religious radicalism. 
Then, by using the documented methodology, it analytically identifies radicalization through the contents of the texts of the three books, "Islamic Political System", which is used in three provinces of the country - Kabul, Herat, and Nangarhar - is used as a source of study at universities.
Abdul Hafiz Mansur, the second speaker of the program, appreciated the research carried out by the AISS and spoke about its importance in the current circumstances. He spoke about the roots of radicalism and the historical experiences of extremist groups and ideologies.
Dr. Abdulmaitin Shahidi, the final speaker of the program, presented his views on the research. He talked about how Islamic Subjects' content was included in the university curriculum. He also added that, contrary to what is said, there is no radical view or its promotion it in the curriculum of university Islamic classes and subjects.

To download the full report in Farsi please click on the link below: