Inauguration of Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk Conference Hall

Posted on: 02-10-2018

On Tuesday, October 2, 2018, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) inaugurated its Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk Tusi Conference Hall with the presence of its staffs. Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk Tusi was born on April 10, 1018 in a small village named Radkan, near Tus, in Iran, to a family of farmers. Nizam al-Mulk was not his real name. It was an honorary title conferred upon him by his Saljuq master, Alp Arslan, after his appointment as a minister. After Alp Arslan consolidated his power in the Sejluq realm, he appointed Abu Ali Hasan as his minister who would remain in that position throughout the reigns of Alp Arslan (1063–1072) and Malik Shah I (1072–1092).

Aside from his extraordinary influence as a minister with full authority, he is also well known for systematically founding a number of schools of higher educations in several cities namely Baghdad, Isfahan, Nishapur, Mosul, Basra, and Herat, where he founded the famous Nizamiyyah schools, which were named after him. In many aspects, these schools turned out to be the predecessors and models of universities that were established in Europe.

Also, Nizam al-Mulk is widely known for his voluminous treatise on kingship titled Siyasatnama (The Book of Government) which was written after Malik Shah`s request that his ministers shall write books on government, administration and the troubles facing the nation.