AISS Research Fellow Richard Ghiasy Gives a Presentation at TEDx Kabul

Posted on: 05-12-2013

December 5, 2013

“On 5 December 2013 AISS research fellow Richard Ghiasy gave a presentation at TEDx Kabul on the development potential of Afghanistan. He argued that Afghanistan is about to arrive at a critical socioeconomic juncture: the Afghan economy is unsustainable, and the Afghan youth risks an underemployed future. Yet, at the same time there is a convergence of external support – the international community’s – and internal advantages such as liberal democratic institutions, free media, an incredible natural resources endowment and a youth ratio of some 50% that could provide the brain and muscle to develop Afghanistan. In a resounding and passionate way he said that if Afghanistan is to embrace this opportunity and escape global bottom development rankings it will have to cultivate two key values which he believes are weak here: discipline and pragmatism. He said that these values have to be cultivated at the top, i.e. leadership, and civil society. He said “development is a joint effort of government and civil society,” and particularly stressed economic pragmatism. Richard’s speech was received tremendously well and was labeled “brilliant” and “inspiring” by the audience.