AISS Releases the Most Comprehensive Report on the Heart of Asia Process to Date

Posted on: 17-06-2014


The AISS’ Richard Ghiasy and Maihan Saeedi release the most comprehensive report on the Heart of Asia Process (HoAP) to date. The HoAP is a useful institutional vehicle for Afghanistan and the broader region to broker discussion on common threats and opportunities.

The fact that this is within a single platform among states that have hitherto had difficulty interacting is a victory in itself. And, the brief timeframe in which it has done so should be underlined. Yet, the Process finds itself at risk of losing momentum: HoAP participating countries need to be persuaded that this process will yield results. What are impediments to further progress? This policy paper attempts to answer this question and provides policy recommendations to HoAP stakeholders to mitigate such impediments.