AISS–Chinese Embassy held Joint Seminar on “Governance”

Posted on: 15-02-2015

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) co-parted in a joint seminar with the Chinese Embassy in Kabul to discuss the concept of governance in China. The seminar brought together Afghan participants from the government, academia, media and political parties alongside Chinese diplomats. The Chinese Ambassador provided a summary of the book of Chinese President XI JINPING: The Governance of China.


AISS Director, Dr. Moradian, provided a comparative analysis of governance in Afghanistan and China and the areas that Afghanistan can learn from Chine’s governance experience. The chairman of Afghanistan-China Friendship Association, Dr. Sayed Makhdum Raheen and the director of the Third Political Directorate of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sultan Ahmad Baheen also shared their perspectives. The panelists’ speeches were followed by open discussion.


Please click HERE to watch full video of the event.