AISS Releases “Corruption Mapping in Afghanistan” Research Report

Posted on: 15-08-2015

Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) releases “Corruption mapping in Afghanistan” survey outcomes focusing on assessment of people’s understanding and viewpoint from corruption in 12 provinces of Afghanistan including Kabul, Herat, Balkh, Kandahar, Bamyan, Badghis, Badakhshan, Kunar, Nangarhar, Jawzjan, Parwan and Kunduz.

It can be said that corruption is a universal challenge which exists in most of the countries around the globe, especially in third world countries. Considering development level of each society, corruption has different shapes. But what is clear in this issue is that corruption causes gradual distraction of a society.

This problem develops and grows faster in post-conflict societies like Afghanistan. Many administrative, social, political and economical structures of Afghanistan have been destroyed or lost its effectiveness after 30 years of wars. The growing phenomenon of corruption in the past 13 years in Afghanistan has caused high rate of ineffective expending of the international aid, which was dedicated to Afghanistan’s reconstruction, and consequently leaded to low rate of development. It can be said with confidence that giving bribe and taking bribe, which is one main example of corruption, become an ordinary and common affair.

Efforts done by the previous government were not sufficient and corruption is still growing. According to the information obtained from the survey, corruption is the third main obstacle of Afghanistan and a challenge to Afghanistan development. It is clear that if something is not done to address this issue, it can endanger security, economic development, good governance …etc.